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Jumbled track list on NW-A3000

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Sorry if this topic has already been discussed. I am new to this forum and I have searched for a similar topic and have been unable to find one.

My problem is about the library of tracks on my NW-A3000. I've had it for a year and have not had any problems at all until, mysteriously, last week, lots of songs seemed to suddenly disappear. I looked through 'All Songs' and it looked like 50% of them had been erased. But the total number of songs had not changed.

I figured out what happened - half of my songs ended up in under 'etc' instead of being alphabeticall organised. And these songs are no longer linked with the relevant artist or album so I have no way to access them other than playing on random.

How can I put them back in the correct order? I tried pressing the reset button and only succeeded in turning the unit off. Lots of these songs were from other computers so I have been unable to transfer most of them tp my laptop - so I can't just erase the unit and transfer everything back on again.

Can anybody give me some advice?

(BTW - I am using SonicStace CP4. But I have used it several times and the problem with my library only arose very recently)

Edited by Eoghain
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