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Is it possible to chance a genre name?

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I got some genres in my Sonic Stage 4.3 ATRAC-library that I would like to rename.

Problem is, either I select all tracks and rename them together, but then the old genre name is stilll attached to the album.

Or I chance each album sepreately, but there are over 300 of them.

So I'm looking for a way to cance the genrename, so that albums and tracks get the newe genrename.

Is that possible?

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Hello Dura,

With SonicStage 4.3 you will have to change the genre for each album individually. Once a new genre exist, you need only to select it from this list in Genre: in Album Properties. When changing the genre for the Album each track in that album genre is also changed. Note that this process takes time, since SonicStage will update the files on your computer.

For the quickest method. Start from the first Album in the SonicStage library, using Album view. Open the first Album Properties and change the genre if needed. Select next button, and update that Album genre if needed. Repeat until you reach the last Album and select OK once finished.

This does not change the genre on your ATRAC Audio Device. This has to done independently when the ATRAC Audio Device is attached to the computer.

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