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Omgjbox.exe error.. HELP!

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Just recently I have not been able to use SonicStage 4.3 CP as within around 3 seconds of the program starting an error message;

"Omgjbox.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."

Appears, this only occurs when my NW-A3000 Device is attached.

I have referred to alot of forum posts regarding a Microsoft Windows Hotfix; KB840987 however I am running Windows XP on Media Center, so none of these posts bare any relevance to my problem. I cannot install the fix from the Microsoft Website as I am running SP2.

I have taken the following steps to try and resolve this issue, none have proved successful;

- Completely restoring and reformatting my system.

- Uninstalling SonicStage 4.3 CP and removing all registry values.

- Uninstalling OpenMG Modules

I do not know why this problem is repeatedly occuring but would appreciate any response to this post.


Below are my system specs:

Microsoft Windows XP Media Center.

AMD Turion 64x2 Mobile

1022 MB RAM

DirectX 9.0c

Nvidia Geforce 7200 Go.



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i have exactly the same problem.

i bought the nw-a808 and installed sonicstage 4.3 cp and everytime i try to do anything related to the walkman it appears that error:

"Omgjbox.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."

im running on windows xp and i have the service pack 2.

and i have already reinstalled everything... but nothing.

i can pass photos to my walkman and i can pass videos to my walkman, with image converter 3, but, the only thing it matters to me, MUSIC, i cant pass it to the walkman! bah ;x

so please, any help would be good!

Edited by goht
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Thanks Juli,

I found formatting the device by right clicking in my computer and doing a complete format has resolved my problem (after completely reinstalling sonictstage).

I have backed up all my devices information as I have around 4,500 atrac files.

I will try the method you suggested and report back.


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  MiKE. said:
Thanks Juli,

I found formatting the device by right clicking in my computer and doing a complete format has resolved my problem (after completely reinstalling sonictstage).

I have backed up all my devices information as I have around 4,500 atrac files.

I will try the method you suggested and report back.


Did you format it in Windows Explorer or through the device itself in the menu options? I heard people had lots of problems when they formatted via the computer rather than the device, but if it's worked for you, then that's good.

PS, hate uninstalling and reinstalling SS, it takes so long!

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  juli said:
Did you format it in Windows Explorer or through the device itself in the menu options? I heard people had lots of problems when they formatted via the computer rather than the device, but if it's worked for you, then that's good.

PS, hate uninstalling and reinstalling SS, it takes so long!

I formatted using windows explorer and didn't have a problem, this resolved the issue but I no longer have music.. the software works fine though and I can transfer any new music back on (I don't want to do this).

I am currently copying the backup of the OMGAUDIO file back onto my device so I can try the solution you suggested.


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ihave tried this as well as the registry edits and nothing works. SS4.0 works ok but afer deleting it all and openmg and doing all the file removals from docand settings, prgamme files etc then reebooting and running 4.3 install after remvoing omglp it still crashesd as soon as it loads, with or without my a3000 connected . Seems to be an error in ntdl.dll.

Contacted sony who have come up with loads of things to trybut no good. so reverted back to 4.0 and this is working again.

despite all the removing of files etc, the database of mp3 was still there, where is this stored on the harddrive?

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