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I feel like a marriage just ended. HELP! If anyone could find a red one, I might faint.
There's a 'buy-it-now' HD5 on eBay for £64.90 plus £9.90 postage in the UK. He seems to have 4 of them? But looks like he only posts to the UK and your phone number indicates you're not here! But it's silver, not red. He's selling them 'as new', but more likely they've been refurbished
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I know how you feel man. My HD5 was also stolen not too long ago. I was crushed, and searched frantically for a new one. I purchased a new one for $190 from amazon, but it was lost by fedex. Then HD5's were no where to be found, so I settled for a new HD1 and I must say I'm very satisfied with it. You may want to look into the older model. Good luck!

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O_o and $229 is actually not that bad but it is a refurbished one

guess it is so hard to find a brand new HD5 now =/

Yeah, I saw that when looking for a new HD5 and decided to pass on it, as the price was too high and ending up getting a new HD1 on ebay for like $190.

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