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MP3 Conversion Tool - Quick Test

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Man, I am totally being lazy but very nerdy today...

Anyway - I just downloaded and tried the new MP3 conversion tool. It's a little slow, but not too bad. It can batch convert all the ATRAC files on your hardrive, which is good. I have no idea how or why, but the track name, artist name *and* album art got transferred over, which is pretty impressive.

But I honestly can't tell if it uses the lossless portion of AAL files. I have a crappy sound card now, so it's tough to see if it's taking from the 352kbs part or the lossless part.

Anyone wanna' email Sony and find out?


[update]: It's possible I have terrible ears, but I'm pretty sure that it transcodes from the lossless portion of an AAL file.

Edited by navsimpson
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  • 2 weeks later...

Direct download link: ftp://download.sony.com/US/portable/MP3CONVERSIONTOOL.EXE

The poor thing is not completely Unicode. It tries to display a Russian interface on my system (the system is actually English with Russian regional settings), but button labels and some other interface elements display as rows of question marks. Log files are also saved as question marks. Fortunately it keeps Russian tags.

And yes, it does use the lossless part of AAL:

BLUE - original CD

GREEN - AAL@64 kbit/s converted to MP3@320 kbit/s

RED - ATRAC3plus@64 kbit/s converted to MP3@320 kbit/s

Edited by Avrin
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