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very slow NWD-B105 upload speed

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Hey everyone,

I gave to my girlfriend my "old" NW-E003 and bought a NWD-B105 to try it out but uploading files or songs to my NWD-B105 seems to be 2x~3x slower than with my NW-E003..

I tried to transfer files and songs from my friend's computer thinking it was my computer that had a problem but the speed is the same and his vista shows the NWD-B105 uploading at 500~800KB/s.. that's USB 1.1 speed..

downloading from the player is pretty fast.. download top at like 5MB/s.. I don't understand..

is it a problem with my player or is it its real upload speed?

thanks in advance


Edited by neobubu
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I noticed the same problem.

I bought the NWD-B105, tested it and returned it after 1 day.

- Very slow upload speed (download speed ok)

- Menu is slow to navigate

- During fast forward, there is no sound so difficult to know where you are in a track

Other positive points:

+ Good build quality (compared to the low price)

+ Good sound and usable equalizer

+ Low noise level

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I just checked the Sonystyle website


Built-in Li-ion Rechargeable Battery

USB Recharging through PC: Approx. 120min (full charge), Approx. 90min (approx. 80%)

Input/Output Terminals: Headphones (stereo mini), USB (2.0 compliant)

PC Connection: High Speed USB, Direct USB key

Dimensions: 25×89.9×16.7mm (W x H x D)

Weight: 30g

so it means the units are USB 1.1 but will work with USB 2.0

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Hi, thanks for the replies.

I just checked the Sonystyle website


Built-in Li-ion Rechargeable Battery

USB Recharging through PC: Approx. 120min (full charge), Approx. 90min (approx. 80%)

Input/Output Terminals: Headphones (stereo mini), USB (2.0 compliant)

PC Connection: High Speed USB, Direct USB key

Dimensions: 25×89.9×16.7mm (W x H x D)

Weight: 30g

so it means the units are USB 1.1 but will work with USB 2.0

USB Port(s)

* 1 (Built-in High Speed; USB 2.0 compliant)


don't confuse compatible and compliant...

USB 1.1 speed maxes at 12Mbps both way(in and out) 12Mbps = 1500KB/s. I wouldn't be able to download from the device at 4MB/s if it was just USB 1.1. it's just that they used cheap memory modules for this device.

--download from the device----

-- Done: 1 (101.55MB) Err: 0 (0) Skipped: 0 (0) Tot: 1 (101.55MB) --

-- Average Transfer Rate: 4.39MB/Sec -- Elapsed Time: 23 sec


----Upload to the device----

-- Done: 1 (101.55MB) Err: 0 (0) Skipped: 0 (0) Tot: 1 (101.55MB) --

-- Average Transfer Rate: 822.95KB/Sec -- Elapsed Time: 2 min 6 sec


and the file wasn't cached on the disk or anything.

the device isn't bad, the sound is crystal clear without background noise or anything. it's just that I wasn't expecting Sony to use cheaper than cheap memory modules for their player... even my cheap USB key is faster than that when i upload something to it.

Edited by neobubu
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I mailed Sony France and after 3 mails to and from them, all i got was some guy telling me Sony doesn't support 64bits OSes and it wasn't their problem because I told them I also use it with Vista 64bits... even tho I told him the upload speed is the same on a 32bits OS and that I also use it on xp 32bits.

no help at all but pissing me off..

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Ok. i guess i had to threaten them to get a normal answer. Vive la France..

from what Sony france said, 500~800KB/s is normal...

I don't think it's normal and thinking it might be a USB controller bug and it's going to be fixed in a future firmware.. I can't admit Sony built a mp3 player with cheaper than cheap NAND memory modules..

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I have to confirm that, loading it full takes almost an hour. Quite disappointing. Otherwise it is perfect device and only one I found having embedded connector so no cables are needed, embedded battery so I need not to bother with AAA cells and Mass Storage support so no software like SonicStage is needed. Firmware is 1.1 which is lateste offered on Sony web.

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