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iPod Touch just hit 32GB....Sony soon?

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Apple raised the iPod touch internal memory to 32GB this morning. It took some willpower (and a recall of the HISS from the headphone jack) to keep me from ordering one. :blink:

So that puts a bit of pressure on the competition...such as our well loved/hated Sony. :lol: Is there any plan on updating the A8xx series with more RAM in the near future...outside of Japan? I have seen the A9xx series and love it, but the lack of 1-seg TV here in the States kept me from ordering one.

If someone knows something, that would be great news. I assume Sony won't touch 32GB flash until the iPod Touch goes to 64GB???

I am especially interested in whether any RAM upgrades will cover both the Western (non-ATRAC) and Japanese (ATRAC) models. I truly would expect Sony to upgrade the ATRAC/Japanese version first and leave we in the U.S.,etc hanging. I remember seeing the A808 in Akihabara last May, but the A818 didn't hit the U.S. until September. Should we expect the same situation soon?


Edited by lamewing
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I dont' know if there is other line up besides NWZ-A820 series to be released with it.. Anyways, I am expecting Sony to release NWZ-A820 series (4, 8, 16GB) in Spring 2008 in N. America and Europe (at least pictures and full spec, most likely in early March in Germany). Sony USA is certainly is on move to sell remaining NWZ-A810 series (suggested by their promotions) and A810 did well pretty well in US with most positive responses from consumers compared to their previous line-ups and to other products from their competitors.

Besides Apple's Ipod, I believe most sales of DAPs are highest on mid-range capacities, which makes me think why Samsung and Sony both had highest sales in 4gb although they offered 8gb option. So, probably, at mid-range capacities is where there is most room for the market while the highest capacities are dominated by Apple. That's my guess.

The question I have is whether NWZ-A820 is going to be released in Japan... :unsure:

Edited by Zizone
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While I have to commend Apple for giving consumers the choice, I gotta say that 499 is quite a price.

In September you´ll probably get 32gig for 299 ( I know that´s technology )

I just hope Sony can get to this point. 16GB is nice, but 32 would be the sweet spot for me as it is 16GB more than my HD5 and HD1.


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"but 32 would be the sweet spot for me as it is 16GB more than my HD5 and HD1."

12 Gb more I think the players have a 20 GB HD (therei s also a special editon 30GB HD5).

Anyway, looking at the past and hearing about the leaked out A82X which, as Zizone mentions, seems to max out at 16 GB, I do not expect a Sony 32 Gb before Q3 2008.

Edited by dura
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"but 32 would be the sweet spot for me as it is 16GB more than my HD5 and HD1."

12 Gb more I think the players have a 20 GB HD (therei s also a special editon 30GB HD5).

Anyway, looking at the past and hearing about the leaked out A82X which, as Zizone mentions, seems to max out at 16 GB, I do not expect a Sony 32 Gb before Q3 2008.

Can I claim sexagesimal math or something like that?

Edited by lamewing
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