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Digital Converters

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Anonymous

No problems here - even with El Cheapo $30AUD ones.

If you're really tight, a resistor and a LED is all you need to convert coax to optical.

I'm from Sydney - where do I get a A$30 coax>optical converter? If I could find one, this would definitely improve the usefulness of my MX400 sound card!

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Hmph! Just found out that the S/PDIF out on my MX400 is unsupported under Windows 2000. Damn SonicBlue haven't written a proper driver (and probably never will!).

Still, would be interested in where I could find a A$30 converter - cheapest I found searching was A$65.

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  • 5 weeks later...

www.partsexpress.com has these for $16.75 US with the AC Adapter but I have no idea whether they will ship to AUS and how much it would cost if they do...

Go to the website and just search for "optical coaxial" (no quotes) and you'll see both the Toslink-->Coax and the Coax-->Toslink varieties. They also have an optical extender which amplifies the light in a Toslink connection for longer cable runs. They are all the same price I think.

For a complete conversion solution, simultaneous bi-directional, I'd recommend the MidiMan CO2. It runs about $50 US...

Roland M.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Anonymous

I just bought a converter from radio shack for $30. It can convert in either direction. I hooked up a pcm digital audio cable to the soundblaster audigy2 digital output, and ran a toslink from the converter to my sony MZ-N707. I am stumped because the minidisc displays no signal when I am playing an mp3 that I want to record. I am using creative software to play the mp3 files. I have checked all the connections many times. I'd be very grateful for any suggestions as to what could be wrong.

Ivan Gepner


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