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No More Record :-(

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Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous


i have a MD-R55 from way back. it is one of the square blue ones without any digital out. awhile ago a disc got stuck in it and was caught on what i believe to be the recording burner on the top of the unit and was forcably removed. when i looked inside after the disc was removed i noticed this white tip which i guess is the recorder had been removed from a thin sheet of plastic that was attached to it. i removed the top of the unit and noticed this to be true. does anyone kno about the internal workings of the MD. if i jus soder this stip back on to the white tip should it record? it still reads discs fine, and when i plug something into either mic or line in, it shows from the one line equalizer that it is reading the signal, but when i playback, nothing. also, when i take that disc out and put it back in, if it is a blank disc, it is again read as a blank disc, so whatever the problem, it is NOT recording that is all i kno. any help would be greatly appreciated. the only reason i dont i jus go ahead and soder that thing on there is a) i dont have a sodering iron this instant, and cool.gif i dont kno if im skilled enough for such a tiny a unit, and c) im really worried i will render it unplayable.

but if i hear no response, i will try it and let you all kno.

in the meantime i will use my MD-51 which i use for playback since the damn thing has no line in!!!!


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