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Fix buttons in Service Mode?

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I have an MZ-N505 MD, its great. lately, the track forward and the volume+ buttons act up; ie: track forward goes back, volume+ acts as the group button. Im pretty surprised; alot of people have had this problem. anyway, I used that n505/n707 hack to get into service mode, and I was wondering if there was any way to get my buttons to work again through that? if not, then how else would I get my buttons to work?

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Guest Anonymous

Read the whole original thread, you'll find your answer, looks like you didn't apply both steps
- misunderstood

i dont think there is anything you could do in service mode. i have the same EXACT problem and the only thing i can suggest is get an other one.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Open your Back Lid. Find the test mode point and solder it (just near the -ve terminal and MiCon) make it short. Put the batt in and you will have service mode without doing the button pressing to go into service mode. Now map your button (what button change to what). follow the samething just like you hack you MD for the first time. Go to step 061 enter FE and go to step 062 enter 7B. After that remove the batt and desolder the test mode solder.

Good Luck!

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Guest Anonymous

its not that. its humidity. it happens to mine all the time. i have to open it up and let it air out. but lately i put some clear tape on the buttons inside and it seems to be working.

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That mean you need a sparepart! I have one front panel for MZN-505 (light blue) if you really want it I can sell it to you but please tell me your position. Email me directly if you wanna some explaination how I get get the sparepart. I have a lot of MD spare part including some working 707 pcb.

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