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Insane luck with a 700DPC

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Hey all,

I had a rather near-death expierence the other day with my MZ-R700.

I had alot of friends over, and with that, booze and etc. So, my friends are "freestyling" and I decided to bring out my 700 to record it. After the session, my friend stamps out his cigarette on my recorder!!

I just sat there and stared at it for a long while, and he must've said "sorry" nearly one hundred times. I picked it up and there wasn't even a scratch! He put it out right next to the "end search". He told me that he thought it was an ashtray. Damn booze!

I couldn't believe my luck.

Go Sony! :roll:


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Man, if you'd've had a '500, it would be ruined. That's so cool--I must tell my brothers about this one. Hee hee hee...

Hm. Maybe that's why I don't drink/smoke. Of course, my MD habit is slowly killing my bank account, so I guess there's always some give & take...

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hello all, sorry for my absence from this thread, been busy at the T-Board. :wink:

good pt...i realli realli dislike the N-Gage a LOT...

Have you played it yet? I saw a couple of screenshots from a few games and they didn't look too bad. I'd have to play it, though..

And who wants that thing when the new Playstation Portable will come out next year? That will be the hand-held gaming system of all time.

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Next year? Have they actually set a release date? I. WANT. IT. NOW.

I haven't actually played the N-Gage, but I've heard it sucks in a big way. The screenshots may look nice, but keep in mind that the games on it are four or five year old games that weren't designed to be played on a handheld; in fact, I've heard that many of the games are exactly the same except lacking features or moves because the N-Gage doesn't really have a way of replicating them. You have to take out the battery in order to switch games, which is simply ridiculous. I've also heard that they break easily.

If they want to do a cell phone/portable gaming combo, instead of turning a cell phone into a gaming device, they need to turn a gaming device into a cell phone. Think about it, which is more complicated? I don't really think it'd be that hard to turn a GBA SP into a cell phone...just add a mic at the top of the screen, a keypad on the back, and an antenna, the appropriate firmware and then you're good to go. Well, whatever.

Oh, and if you hadn't noticed....THIS THREAD HAS BEEN HIJACKED!!! HAHAHA!!!!......errrr....ummmm....nevermind.

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