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Mini Disc with Radio

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U have the added radio function, that lies on the remote, so if u remove the remote and plug in "normal" headphones to the headphone out, u'll have no radio. The recorded MD's have the same quality in a radio or non-radio unit (as far as analog/digital/mic is concerned). About the radio function, I don't know if the reception is good, since I don't have one...

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I just purchased the 810 and I've tried out the radio component in various situations. In my opinion, it's not bad. I live in a mountainous area where the reception can change drastically depending on where I am in the area. The reception of the 810 is just about as good as my car antenna -- meaning that it gets staticy when I drive in the outskirts of town, on a different side of a big mountain or if I'm at a low point in a valley. But all in all it works well. The added bonus is that you get VHF signals (TV Channels 2-13) and the weatherband. Maia is right about the fact that the reciever is in the remote. If you switch remotes to the car remote (supplied with the 810) or if you don't use the remote, you no longer have the ability to listen to the radio.

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But the sound quality is just as high as the N910/N10 is it?

Am i right in thinking that they are pretty much the same model released at similar times? I think they have all the same qualities apart from 64x transfer speed compared to 32x, the radio and obviously the design.

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I couldn't tell you whether the sound quality of the N10 or 910 are any better than the 810. All I can say is that the sound quality of the 810 is pretty darn good and I'm happy with it. The N10 does offer 64x download for LP4 encoding (that's the greatest level of encoding), but for me 32x is fast enough.

The N10 and 910 both offer a few features not on the 810, but then again, the 810 has radio, which is absent on the N10 and 910. Check out the equipment browser on minidisc.org homepage for these added features.

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