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mzn707 battery?

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Hi does anyone know if its alright or safe to use the NH14WM battery with the Sony MZN710?

It comes with a NH10WM. Any reason for the lower capacity battery?


seems to think the NH14WM is ok with it.

I found my Sony Mt877 drained the NH14WM far too quick and after 2years or so it would only last an hour or so. as it was only 2years or so I didnt think it should be that bad so guessed it was probably the chargin components broke and for the new sony netmd.

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this shouldn't be a problem, my friend uses the NH14WM rather than the NH10WM on his n710 unit...but i think they opted to use the lower capacity battery to keep the costs down??? not too sure why they did this...and regarding the battery being screwed up after 2 years, it could've been the charger itself or as u said the charging curcuit not supplying enough or supplying more than enough power to the battery to damage it...just make sure that the charger that came with the n710 matches the specs needed to charge the NH14WM battery...

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