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opening a n505 (and re-ensamble it!)

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Hi, I have a n505 and sometimes I have this already discussed problem with the buttons (fw working as back, etc.).

From time to time I got this idea of just opening the unit to see wether there is something loose or whatever. But I'm really afraid of messing everything and end having to buy another unit.

Is it too difficult to open this unit? (and, of course, re-ensamble it). I have some experience with electronic equipment but not with anything that small. Is there any thing I should know? By the way, I have the service manual for the n505.


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If you're used to repair differents things, this will not be a problem.

(It's better to have little fingers, really! biggrin.gif )

:arrow: I have already open MD, a Sharp md-sr50. I have clean the lens and re-ensamble it. I avoid that it's not very easy but it's very interesting! biggrin.gif

The is an old model, but the n505 is quite recent so it's at your own risk; it's more complicated than a md-sr50.

You need to have very little screw-drivers.

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