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Guest Anonymous

One more question:

Does RealOne limit the amount of tracks you can download? Does it any copyright issue protection or can you record any Mp3 to it?

I have compressed all my cds to mp3s, but the sonicstage software won't let me copy them as tehy are not SDMI checked.....


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personally i'm not entirely sure because i tend not to use RealOne unless i have to...from just using it a few times i would say a cautious no to the limit and i think you can record any or most mp3's to it...IMO the best method to transfer is to use the Nero + SimpleBurner method which is outlined here...this basically uses Nero (which is far less picky in encoding music files than any of the ones that support NetMD units) and SimpleBurner (which doesn't copy the copyright protection over so you can delete and modify the songs on your MD without being restricted to changing the order or deleting through your PC)

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I use RealOne with MD, but mainly for converting .rm files to MD.

It transfers fine, and there is no checkout issue, however the tracks

are still Track Protected (TRPROT) so you can't edit them on the MD recorder itself.

the Nero/Simpleburner, or DaemonTools/Simpleburer are the best for functionality. SonicStage isn't bad, but it's annoying if you make a lot of different mixes. 3 copies of a song just isn't good enough.


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