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Check in/out fix

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My frustrations with SonicStage's counting has had me looking for a fix for the check in/out process. I have found that by copying certain files back and forth in a shared directory, that one can essentially keep the checkout count at 3 between subsequent reloads of SonicStage. The following code samples allow one to backup the files once fresh imports have been made where the checkout counts are back to normal. One checkouts have been done, one can run the restore script to restore the count values back to 3 (or previous values).

YMMV, and if this is not appropriate for this forum, I apologize for posting this info.

File: OMGBackup.vbs

Function BackupOMG()

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

objFSO.CopyFolder "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSony SharedOpenMGprocfile" , "c:tempomgbackup" , 1

Set objFSO = nothing

End Function

box = MsgBox("Backup OMG files", vbyesno)

If box = 6 Then


End If

File OMGRestore.vbs

Function RestoreOMG()

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

objFSO.CopyFolder "c:tempomgbackup" , "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSony SharedOpenMGprocfile" , 1

Set objFSO = nothing

End Function

box = MsgBox("Restore OMG files", vbyesno)

If box = 6 Then


End If

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Copy the directory listed (c:program files....) to a temp directory after you have checkout counts where you want them.

Once you do the checkouts, close sonicstage and copy the backed up directory and files back over the original directory.

The script does nothing malicious and should be relatively easy to follow. If you want to verify, look up "FileSystemObject.CopyFolder" on google and you will see similar examples to copy directories.

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