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Hacked Sony MZ-N707 Mic Sensitivity?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Anonymous

Get a Radio Shack Headphone Volume Control, $5.99, a volume knob on a cord. Plug the mic into the jack, turn the volume all the way UP and plug it into your mic jack and you'll be able to record all but the loudest concerts without distortion. If there is distorion, you can turn it down like a level control.

A battery box (through line-in) gives you a better balanced sound, but the simple volume control is much cheaper and a lot easier to tuck into a pocket.

Sound Professionals also sells the same kind of thing (called an attenuator cord) for $7. Haven't tried it, but maybe it's more durable than the Radio Shack; after a lot of use the Radio Shack suddenly gets staticky and useless. But it's easy to replace.

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