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help choosing non-sony recorder

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Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

i am fairly inexperienced as far as minidisc technology and would like to get some ideas from anyone that is willing to help. what im looking for is a portable recorder with remote that is not made by sony but has net md (or something similar). i will not be using this recorder for live recordings. i would like to keep the price below US$200 but am open to all suggestions. some recommended stores would be helpful too.

ive looked at some aiwa and some sharp recorders and have been impressed but like i said before since i dont know much about minidisc technology and it doesnt take much to impress me tongue.gif

any help that anyone could provide would be greatly appreciated.

thank you

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take a look at the Sharp DR420 unit...this may be within your budget range i think??? it's not made by Sony, has NetMD and a remote (though not backlit nor does it have an LCD) + is a damn fine live recording unit...you could try looking online for this unit...i think most online vendors would have stocked up on it by now...Aiwa is under Sony management so effectively it is a Sony...

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If the original poster is still around, I'm curious why you wouldn't purchase a Sony MD?

Personally, every piece of consumer electronics I bought in the last 10-12 years is Sony for the simple 2 reasons, interface problems are elliminated and now that Sony has been cured of greed and price-fixing, for me they have the highest quality at a reasonable price.

But I would never own a Japanese car because of features, quality and a few other reasons. Fortunately we do have choices and everyone's reasons are different and as I said, I'm curious about yours re: Sony and their MDs.

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