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I'm sold!!

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I bought two MD's on eBay a couple of weeks ago, generally useable though some repair depot time needed.

I usually load new CDs directly onto the hard drive I run the stereo off and am in the process of converting all of our old vinyl, the real reason I bought the MD.

I went to play an album yesterday and the MP3 file would not play - kept getting an "Unknown Mpeg type" error. However, I had the same album on a memory card in my Palm Tungsten T, plugged that into the MD, recorded to MD and then through Spin Doctor uploaded back to the computer to replace the buggy file.

A couple of things about the process, first coming off the Palm to the Md then to the computer I did not expect the sound quality to be great, I was wrong it is very good. Second, this was very surprising; when I recorded the LP originally I recorded it as one file rather than breaking it into tracks. After recording from the Palm to the MD, I had 11 individual tracks which then transferred across to the computer.

This was a nice surprise and a positive on what MD can do for me.

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