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Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

Greetings good people, I have a few questions which I'm sure the experts here will be able to help me with

I recently bought a Sony Net MD, MZ-N510CK for a real good price (70 bucks), but I have a few questions, as I'm a newbie to the whole minidisc thing.

1) Is it just me, or does anyone else find the sonicstage software extremely confusing? I mean, it is not very user friendly, and the help section is really terrible.

2) What exactly is ATRAC3 ? I know its a specific type of format that allows you to put more songs on a disc, but do I have to convert my mp3 files into ATRAC3 in order to do this? I did a little test run and the files I copied onto the disc show up in the playlist as "openMG" files. Whats that?

3) For some reason I was only able to fit about 33 or so songs on the disc that came with the player....I know there's a way to fit more on there. (I've heard up to 400), so how do I do that, and what am I doing wrong? Is there a certain type of disc I have to buy?

4) How many megabytes can one minidisc hold? And whats the best format to burn files onto a minidisc with?

5) Is there a way I can directly access the folder I keep my songs in through the sonicstage software? I don't really like this whole "music drive" thing, I wish I could just access my folder through the software like Cd-burning software....so far what I am doing to add files into my playlist is minimizing the program, going to my folder, and dragging the files into the playlist...which gets quite cumbersome.

Anyway thats all for now folks....thanks in advance.


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hey there,

1) Is it just me, or does anyone else find the sonicstage software extremely confusing? I mean, it is not very user friendly, and the help section is really terrible.  

yep it is pretty confusing (more frustrating actually as it takes more clicks on the mouse than needed to do something as simple as transfer music across)...if u don't like this type of interface u could always use OpenMG, SimpleBurner or RealOne Player to transfer music across...

2) What exactly is ATRAC3 ? I know its a specific type of format that allows you to put more songs on a disc, but do I have to convert my mp3 files into ATRAC3 in order to do this? I did a little test run and the files I copied onto the disc show up in the playlist as "openMG" files. Whats that?

openMG is a program that Sony uses to encrypt songs from .mp3 (.wav,.wma etc) to their proprietary ATRAC3 format so that their Network capable units (NetMD's and Network Walkman MS players) can read them...also the MG part stands for MagicGate which is some sort of protection algorithm that deters piracy of music (i.e. u can't copy say a file from ur PC onto an MD or Memory Stick and give it to a friend so that he/she has in on their computer as well)...

3) For some reason I was only able to fit about 33 or so songs on the disc that came with the player....I know there's a way to fit more on there. (I've heard up to 400), so how do I do that, and what am I doing wrong? Is there a certain type of disc I have to buy?

it depends on how long the song is as well as which mode that u record in...i.e. if u have say an 80min MD then u can record 80min in SP, 160min (2h40min) in LP2 mode and 320min (5h20min) in LP4 mode...i think LP2 can hold around about hmm...40 odd songs (each song approx 4min in length)...and no u don't need to buy a specific type of disc to do this...

4) How many megabytes can one minidisc hold? And whats the best format to burn files onto a minidisc with?

approx 150mb??? (i think...) is the capacity of a normal MD...but u can't "burn" files onto a MD from computer as the unit u have can only copy audio files (ATRAC3 files) to it only...plus NetMD wasn't meant to be a high capacity storage device...that is the job for the new Hi-MD's...

5) Is there a way I can directly access the folder I keep my songs in through the sonicstage software? I don't really like this whole "music drive" thing, I wish I could just access my folder through the software like Cd-burning software....so far what I am doing to add files into my playlist is minimizing the program, going to my folder, and dragging the files into the playlist...which gets quite cumbersome.

just click on the import button at the top right hand side of SonicStage and go to the folder u want to...

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if you want to transfer AN ENTIRE CD, i think you should use simpler burner, because the LP4 mode (that lets you fit the most music, sound great, the tracks are not "protected", it does not store anything on your computer (goes directly from CD->MD and it will grip the title and song name infor for you.) however if you want to make mix CD, (lots of songs from many differect cd's), or transfer music that is alread on your harddrive, you should us REALPLAYER 10, it has a lot more freedom then the sony bundled software, and is alot more stable and easier to use.

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what is your source material. because when i rip Cds, in lp4 using simple burner they sound better than mp3's at 128(which sounds like the radio to me). in fact to me they(cd original store bought audio cds) sound as good as the originals in lp4. however, because my music is legal i dont know how "homemade" cd's sound when transfered via lp4 using the simple burner software.

mp3 transfer at lp4 is another story, entirely. (although mp3's at 192, transfered at LP4 sound fine to me.)

so i dont know what your source material is.

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