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lp4 > lp2 Check in/out Query

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Having painstakingly added my CD collection to Sonic Stage :roll: I noticed that when I checked out albums to my n510 in lp4, that when they were checked back in they kept the their lp4 status and didnt return to the lp2 that they were originally recorded in :cry: . Surely when you check a track out its just a copy of the original recording. will i have to Re install a CD to return it to LP2.


The Jab

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when u check out in one specific mode (say LP4) to the unit and check it back in to the PC it will still retain the mode that u checked it out at...i don't know of a way to check in an LP4 track to an LP2 track...so if u wanted to check it back into the PC in LP2 mode then u should transfer to the unit in LP2 mode...kinda like an mp3 when u transfer to an mp3 if u originally had it at say 192kbps and u compressed it to say a 128kbps and transfer it over u can't expect to transfer it back on ur PC as a 192kbps track as u've already compressed it as a 128kbps file...and by reinstalling did u mean re-importing it back into sonicstage??? if so then yes u still have to do this..

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Guest Anonymous

turns out...

when you check in, all your doing is deleting whats on the minidisc, and telling the comp that the "book has been returned", so you can then check out more tracks.

sorry man, you just deleted your lp2 files, and probably didn't properly check-in because they weren't the same file.


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Thanks for the advice guys

So to get a CD back in to lp2, can I delete the CD off Sonic Stage and record it back on to the computer or will it always be registered in lp4?

So can you multiple copy the same cd into sonic stage? the reason being i record compilation discs for traveling/gym etc (variety being the spice of life). the quality is less but its worth it for 60 ish tunes..... (5 cd's) but i have now lost the oportunity to listen to a higher quality cd if its been checked out in lp4... :roll: am i now destined to only record in lp2 from now on and have to stop the bike to keep swapping discs.

cheers in anticipation.

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