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You cannot check out Linear PCM to Hi-MD!!!

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Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

After looking at this website:


...it would appear that you will not be able (at least initially) to transfer files into PCM format from the PC. The only way to record PCM onto the HI-MD units is through the line-in etc!!! Why?? Why can't we do this??? I see absolutely no reason why Sony should put a restriction on this, anyone out there got some kind of an explanation for all of this??

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Thanx for the link!

at least now i know that win 98 se will be supported , so now i am free to get excited. also it looks like thats only true with sonic stage so you may be able to do that with third party software and it looks like sony will be encourageing or at least not discouraging third party apps that support sonic stage 2 (real player 10??).

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Considering the extremely hi fidelity of Hi-SP (256kbps), I wonder why you would want to do this. I can see wanting to have a PCM recording of a live event or an original source from line in to make a "master" copy, but why would you want to transfer from Sonicstage using netmd in PCM? It would be a pretty slow transfer, which might be one reason for not doing it, and it is low density recording. I guess you could use the HiMD as a PC drive and copy the file...

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Guest Anonymous

It seems to me that it'd be difficult to record in Linear PCM because it's such a high-density format that I don't think the recording mechanism can burn that much that quickly.

On a related note, does anyone know whether the limited recording speed of NetMD and such is due to the medium itself or the mechanism involved in the recording? I ask because I'm wondering about the viability of having Hi-MD drives on computers that can record as fast as cd-burners can nowadays.

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Guest Anonymous

Ah, I misread your post. I thought you were saying that it seemed the only way to record linear PCM was through SS 2.0. Sorry!

In that case.., it'd probably be Sony's whole thing about copy-protection and such. Which of course is kinda crap hurts the consumers, but they seem to think every md-purchaser is a music stealer.

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Guest Anonymous


THis is going to be a fairly long post so i keep it ASAP.

Basically I have 150MDS worth of live recorded audio. My furture recordings in HIMD and old ones I WANT TO MAINTAIN FOR REST OF MY LIFE AND FUTURE GENERATIONS.

Basically IM ASUMING:

@ The atrac format currently can only be played with sony software and looking 30yrs down the line it wont be around therefore any existing atrac recordings will need to be upgraded. this is similar to converting my mp3s into mp4s

@ During the conversion process i have just said, IM ASSUMING something will be lost i.e. quality so if i go from mp3>mp4>future formats. as i encode my music to keep it up to date it will loose something. IS THIS RIGHT?


THe way i see my audio being maintained in quality for long term is to record in HIMD IN PCM, and keep those in some lossless format and store those origionals in some sort of long term storage. And keep a second copy in mp3/4 or wotever for normal music listening and portability. so when mp5 or whatever will be the new portable standard comes out, i convert my origional lossless format into mp5 or whatever.

WHAT DO YOU ALL THINK? is this a long term solution to keeping my music quality. OR if i keep my atrac files and when the new atracs come out over the years, when i convert my files will they maintain quality(ASSUMING IM USING SAME/HIGHER BITRATES)

So since i cant checkout my wavs anymore, i will hav 2 record them Line in again from optical out.

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