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nf810 optical?

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If you want (higher-quality) recordings from MD -> PC, I suggest that you look into purchasing a deck that has optical out. Then, you will need to have an optical input on your computer (soundcard - even cheap ones will do; I currently employ a $30 SBMP3+ with opt-in).

However, if you want to reduce cost and still get high quality recordings by means of analogue, make sure that you use a higher-grade cable. In addition, if you have the ability to, set the unit to 'Line Out' and not 'Headphone' before recording.

I've heard some things about win nmd and Rosoft Audio Recorder, although I haven't tried them yet.

Sound Forge 7.0 is comparable to Adobe Photoshop - overpriced, but suited for professionals. I have tried this [free copy from a friend], and it is quite nice, but pricy.

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