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headphone compatibility

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can anybody advice me about the sound and build quality of

PHILIPS HP 800 headphones, and since i have already bought them, whether they would be good enough with the N910s.

Specs HP 800 :

S/N ratio : 103db +/-3db.

Freq Range : 10Hz-28,000Hz.

Impedance : 24 Ohms.

Max Power Output : 1500mW.

plz. do comment if anybody has them mellow.gif .


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Judging by the specs they should be fairly easily driven from a portable such as your MZ-N910 but the only real way to tell is to wait and hear them for yourself. I have no idea how the HP 800's sound but the HP 890's are quite popular amongst a fair few people over at Head-Fi. They certainly look comfortable anyway, but maybe a little big for portable use...

I can only find one thread about the HP 800's at Head-Fi:


Let us know what you think of them when you get them! :smile:

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