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my MZ-R900... what the problem wif it.. my dear..

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hi ppl,

I just brought my MZ-R900 from ebay...

today i try to record it but everytime while recording, a message pop out... while recording man TOC EDIT came out... then my md would jam there... can't eject the disc too... until i turn off the power and turn it on again the disc would eject out.... all earlier song record all gone... back to blanks disc....

why is this so???

is the lens dirty??


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You ought to ask the guy who gip- er... I mean, sold you the unit.

Please give more constructive responses than this.. huh.gif

Anyway, it sounds like you have a defective unit. You may want to try using a lens cleaner..

Did the seller say it was in functional condition when he sold it to you? I'd ask him what's up.

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Hi Damien,

Do you have any discs of material you could try to play, or does a friend maybe have some? It's a bit hard to tell if it's the record function that is screwy or if it's something more fundamental from your description.

If you CAN borrow a disc from somebody else, make sure it's not something important to them! smile.gif

As the others have said, this is definitely an issue you should raise with the seller on eBay.

- Matt

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I'm going to guess, here. It sounds like the lens block is misaligned, or the lens can't focus properly to write the UTOC after recording, so the disc spins as the lens tries to find the UTOC. While the machine is writing the TOC, it will not let you eject the disc until it is finished.

Try recording on a different MD first. Just record one song, press 'Stop' and wait until the machine either runs out of battery power or gives up trying to write the TOC. See if it'll give you a new error message.

If that doesn't work, try Shepherd's idea of playing a borrowed MD to see if the laser reads the TOC okay--might want to slide the write protect tab to protect the disc first.

If the machine won't read the TOC to play an already recorded disc, you have a big problem.

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i try the record one song method...

after i record finish one song, i press stop then " TOC EDIT " appear.. then i hear one sound... zup... then become blank the screen.. but i press play.. the song e already been recorded.... nothing wrong wif it..

my problem is when i recording a whole bunchs of song... after sometime, the TOC suddenly appeared.. then e whole MD would not eject my disc until i switch off my power jack... so what the problem wif it??

one more thing after e TOC thing happen to my MD, when i put in the disc again, it will not read... but after a lot of try then it can read... what is actually happen to my MD..

pardon me for my english....


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