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My MZ-R900 or more likely the REMOTE RM-MC11EL, has started to misbehave. The problem is this when ever I have the remote connected; the unit starts to record, all by its self. This is a real pain as you can imagine disks with long tracks of silence, a quickly drained battery to name but a few. The only solution is to put the REMOTE unit on hold, that’s why I think the remote is the problem.

Will I need to buy a need remote or what ???

Any help would be gratefully appreciated THANKS :-)

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i think it is the remote...try using another remote and plugging it in to see if it does the same thing...if not then it's the unit...but i've seen 11EL remotes misbehave from time to time...heck sometimes a screwed up 11EL remote i have when put into my E900 player would all of a sudden play at odd times...i only realise when i hear a faint sound coming from the headphones...just had to replace it with a new remote and it works fine now...

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