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mz-n707 output to a stereo amp

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Paul Robinson

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I am buying a year old mz-n707. Prior to my looking at that unit I was considering the mz-r700. I chose the 707 due to price and 707 being a netmd.

My question is this.

The manual for the 700 said the unit could run in aux for my amp even though it was a MD headphone out, no other line-out (just set the bass to 0) and it would sound great through the big amp and speakers.

The 707 also has headphone line out only but it makes no mention of running this MD into a spare aux to listen to though my stereo.

Does that mean the 700 has a feature that the 707 is lacking or is it safe to just do it?

I appreciate anyone's comments and assistance. If you live local (CHristchurch NZ) I'll even send you a chocolate fish



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