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Most Widely used/bought MD Recorder

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I was just curious to know which is the largest selling MD recoder in the World (or if atleast in this forum).

Also which MD recorder is most durable:

1) Interms of built (can handle falls from hands, etc).

2) And interms of durability (max. no. of years used).

your replies would help me a lot and also many others.


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All right, I'm gonna get this thread going again because it's a good question.

I'd say Sony's MZ-R30 is pretty popular, primarily because it was built like a tank. They still fetch quite a bit on eBay. I got the chance to fiddle with my brother's, and it's a great machine. It's bulky, and sports an older version of ATRAC, but it doesn't seem to break easily. My brother's is missing half of its screws and looks like it's been skateboarded on, but it still hums away like nothing's wrong.

Sharp's MD-MS702MK was pretty popular as well. The MK series was after Sharp quietly fixed the UTOC error that plagued the 702 series--a widespread error, but not one I encountered on my older 702. Also built like a brick and feature packed, with a very intuitive interface and the ability to adjust recording levels on the fly. The only problem I ever ran across with the 702 was with Sharp's ATRAC, which seemed to introduce compression artifacts more often than I'd like.


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