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Sonicstage 2 Question

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Hello. Just deleted openmg and simple burner and got SS2 as this forum suggested. Its looks good and seems to be less of a system hog than Openmg anyway. Also the unlimited checkouts is nice. But why oh why - can I not delete songs on my md unit or deck that I recorded using SS2. i just tried it a minute ago and got the old TRPROT message. Very annoying cause if I need to delete a track to make space for something when I am not at home - i can't. Thats what i liked about simple burner - no crappy track protection. Can I use simple burner with SS2 installed? Its very annoyinh and I can't even see the point of this protection.

Also - the 256kps option for recording - is that purely for HiMD?

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Also - the 256kps option for recording - is that purely for HiMD?

Yes and no. It will not work for the "older" generation of NetMD units, but it will work for Hi-MD. It is not purely for Hi-MD, as it has been reported to work on Sony ATRAC3+ PDCPs.

Can I use simple burner with SS2 installed?


If you're feeling brave, and don't mind issues/not being able to read the text in the program, take a look at this. It does not work properly on English operating systems; then again, it should be simple enough to figure out what does what in the program, no?

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