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hey there...well European models of the NetMD units are capped at around 2mW RMS per channel output as compared to the 5mW RMS units released everywhere else...it was done to keep in line with Europe's regulations so if u did buy it in Europe then this is low volume level expected...

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Actually guys, the Euro N910 has 4mW x 2. OK, it's not 5mW x 2, but it doesn't suffer badly at all from the volume cap.

You could try some better headphones (eg. Sennheiser MX400) and/or trying some different customised equaliser settings. The standard supplied settings are very poor I found, some tweaking is needed.

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Ok, thanks to everybody. Then the problem is not in the headphones, but in the European model of MZ-N910.

Ok, now I imagine that the question is: is there any headphones that can amplify the volume without loss of quality? Or: is there any amp that can do it (and it be enough little, of course) ?

Thanks again and again excuse me for my horrible english wink.gif

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Yes, you can trust minidisco, they are the main sponsors for these forums. The headbanger amp would certainly increase the output quite considerably, but really you'd only want to use this with some high quality, high impedance overhead phones like the Sennheser HD600.

There's no point using a headphone amp with earbuds. As I said in my earlier post, even the Euro N910 has enough to drive decent earbuds to high levels (unless you have very bad hearing). Have you turned the AVLS feature off on your 910? Maybe this is limiting the volume - I think it is the default setting?

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Thanks, KJ_Palmer. The problem is that I listen to classical music. In some passages of music the volume is very loud if I´m walking on the street with too much traffic, for example.

I´ve tried to turn the AVLS, but the limit of the volume is very low yet.

A question: what difference is there between "earbuds" and "headphones"? I don´t know the meaning of "earbuds", maybe with a graphic I can understand. Excuse me for annoyances... unsure.gif

Thanks a lot again!!

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Hi. I listen to classical music too mostly (well all the time really). Oh well, if it's not loud enough, you'll have to do something.

To answer your question, earbuds are small earphones that go directly in your ear, like the ones that came with your N910. Headphones are bigger units that go over your head with a solid band connecting the left and right ears.

There are some pictures at Auduocubes. EDIT: Yes, I saw your pictures, that's right smile.gif.

I think it might be a problem of isolation, earbuds usually don't block out much outside sound, so in heavy traffic etc, yes you might not be able to hear everything. You can either accept this (as I do), or get some isolating earphones/headphones. Note that headphones, even though they usually cover your ears don't always provide much isolation, especially the "open" type..

I really recommend the Sennheiser PX200. They are small headphones that provide good isolation and are very sensitive, so your N910 will be able to drive them well - they sound loud enough for me anyway. More importantly they sound very good for classical music!

You could also buy the headphone amplifier you mentioned for an extra volume boost, but it's probably best to use these with even bigger, full size headphones.

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  • 1 month later...

> well European models of the NetMD units are capped at around 2mW RMS per channel output as compared to the 5mW RMS units released everywhere else...it was done to keep in line with Europe's regulations so if u did buy it in Europe then this is low volume level expected...

I bought a sony MZ-N710 around Christmas time; unfortunately the headphones output is only 1.2mW which is completely inadequate for listening to music with a large dynamic range (choral etc) when there is any background noise. I bought my MD player mainly to use when travelling by train, but it's completely useless for that as you just can't hear the quiet bits.

I was thinking of getting one of the new Hi-MD Walkmans. Is the headphones output capped on these models as well? Thanks to anyone who can advise me on this.



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