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Where are the 1gb Blanks?

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This is all I have on the Hi-MD disc release. The main quote from the *.pdf states:

"A limited supply of single Hi-MD discs will be available during the launch of Hi-MD to support an on-line sales strategy through key retailer web sites and sonystyle.com."

It looks like the only real issue is short supply.

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I've been told by one of the stock boys at WalMart in So. Cal that once those shelves are done and re-done for the new merchandise, they should be in within the week. That was last friday, so I'll check this friday again.

In the meanwhile, if you need more blanks, go ahead and pick up the normal MD blanks from your favorite store. They can double as a 300MB HiMD blank or as a 80 minute MD blank as needed.

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I was thinking and hoping:

could one take an old md blank, reformat it to the new 300mb, use it in the new hi-md for a while, and then take it back to (old)md usage by erasing the disk in the older machine, thus making it reusable in older non hi-md recorders as an 80 minute blank again and again?

Wow, am I asking for too much flexibility here?

Boy I would really be dissapointed if once the 80 minute md blank was formatted to hi-md, it couldn't be taken back (after erasing of course) and always had to be used in hi-md modes.

Does this make any sense to anybody, or am I dreaming?

Hey how about that as a project for the guy out there that just got his new 600.

I'd really like to know if this is a possibility. I would really be impressed.

It would be a real drag to have an assortment of disks that forever only work in hi-md machines and can't be taken backwards (via erase disk of course). I already have nearly a hundred reusable blanks. By the way non have ever failed.


Another thing that was on my mind...

I think I read rumor on the board that the new 700 will not be available here in the states?

Is this a truism?

Funny that my old rz700 was available and bought at B Buy and it would be kind of a drag to have to purchase the 800 with that silly remote radio thingy if not really needed.

I remember reading some past reviews of similar models with the radio remote that didn't favor well because of poor reception quality. I have lots of crappy reception radios around and with a simple 1/8 mini to 1/8 mini, I have flexibility to record off the radio via headphone out to line in. That is more than the new hi-md's will apparanty do (no recording from radio).


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Yes, your 300MB HiMD Discs (which are MD discs reformatted) can be erased and reused as a normal MD disc if so desired. And you can take that MD disc and play it in MD/MDLP/HiMD players if you have any tracks on them. So you have total flexibility in your disc usage. Heck, you can even tell your HiMD machine how to format a blank MD disc (either to MD or HiMD Disc). How's that for flexibility?

The radio thing is totally upto you, but if you don't want the radio and still want traditional MD recording capability, your options are to either import the 700 or buy the 900 model. One would think that the 900 model would be worth the extra $50 since that unit comes with the vaunted HD Digital amp and the 700 does not.

Something to think about.

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