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30min limit, help!!

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Long time ago my netMD (MZ-N505) "broke". I always said me "Blanc disk" after the recording. Well, I took it to the tech suport, and they fixed it (120 €, but I had the warranty :cool: )

well, all right, I'm happy^^... just for some time, now it's "broke" again!!

No matter what I record, it will only play the songs within the first 30 minutes. After that, it tries and tries to read the song... but it fails. No warranty this time... software problem? I don't think so after formatting... but I'm downloading SonicStage to give it a try.

Has anyone had this problem? any way to fix it? Will I have to throw it by the window??

In the end I really prefer throwing it and then buy the NH900 :rasp:


EDIT: Sorry, I put this post on the wrong forum!! not Hi-MD, just regular netMDs... too many windows opened :happy: . I suppose any moderator will move it... sorry again

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Is it that the computer won't play past that 30-minute mark, or the MD won't play past it?

If it's the MD, could there be something jammed inside it that keeps the optical block from moving too far? I only ask because that happened to my Sharp 702 (it was fine once I extracted the post-it note). Also, if it's the MD player, re-installing the Sonic Stage software might not help...but it will come in handy in the future, when you buy your NH900. :smile:

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