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music converter program... wanted!! (a good one :P )

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Hello, I was searching for a good program to convert music between different formats. I've been using the Dbpoweramp, and I was happy with it, many formats, easy, not the best, but enough for me. But... when you convert to mp3, it uses Lame, that's good!! but you can't chage any parameters, and the quality of the 128kbs mp3 you create is... POOR (Just convert a 320 cbr mp3 son with lame by msdos properly and then do the same with dbpoweramp... you'll see what I'm saying)

Well, I've found A LOT of programs, but the list is so huge that I thought that someone here could recomend me a program for this. No limitations, it doesn't have to be shareware. I just want it to be able to convert between this formats:

APE-MP3 (lame with command line options) -FLAC-WAV-WMA-MPC-OGG

Thx a lot!

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Using Lame by MS-DOS to covert a 128-192vbr mp3 to 128cbr mp3 (for Divx compression) you can add commads to the line in order to get some more quality. In Dbpoweramp yo can use presets for lame, but none of them lets you use those comands for making a 128cbr mp3.

just try it... the difference is not small.

an example:

lame -b 128 -h -m s --mp3input C:LAME2nd_GIG_07.mp3 C:LAME2ng_GIG_07_128k.mp3

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Guest NRen2k5

What the f**k is that commandline?

That doesn't improve on the quality of the MP3 file, it cuts down on it!

The presets are better tuned than the default parameters, and on top of that, Joint Stereo is better than the pure Left-Right Stereo which you have chosen!

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1st, as you cand read, that's an EXAMPLE. You're right saying that joint stereo is better, but even with normal stereo, lame make a so much better quality file than dbpoweramp does when converting a mp3 to another one. I'll hace to upload a pair of mp3s...

-h --> Higher quality, but slower compression

-b --> bitrate

-m --> mode (s=stereo j=joint stereo)

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Guest NRen2k5


I still don't agree with the idea of using Left-Right Stereo in a 128kbps MP3, though.

A better example of a commandline that may in certain circumstances give better results than just an Alt Preset would be something like --alt-preset cbr 128 --lowpass 15.5

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Maybe we should change the post name...

I admited above that joint stereo was better, why are you still insisting?...

Lowpass? even if you can't hear them, I'm not going to cut any frecuency. And I keep the -h, or maybe -q 0 (from 0 to 9, and -h is about -q 2), but it's REALLY slow.

I supose you use lame with ms-dos. I'll probably start downloading programs for testing

Edit: I started writing in spanish :laugh: . Now it's all english :happy:

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Guest NRen2k5

Sorry... I get annoyed easily.

There are too many people making bad MP3's out there. Now that LAME is around, there are still too many people making bad MP3's, and now they're using LAME to do it! ARGH!!! People need to be encouraged to use presets and/or the proper switches, not to blindly apply switches that harm the sound quality.

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