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Sharp MD-MS 702 Not Working

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I have a sharp MD that I've had since 1998.I just took it out of the drawer after been there for a few years and tried it out.

I charged the battery and tried many recored MD's and continued to get the following messages,TOC ERROR,BLANK DISC.I tried all of these disc in my Denon home system and they all worked. I than tried recording on the Sharp MD and got the same messages and the disc wouldn't work in either unit.

I went to the Sony Store and tried the Disc there and it worked. I than purchased a Cleaner and came home and tried it. The disc still gave me a Blank Disc message but the Sony Cleaning disc had two songs on it and they work fine.

I have no idea what is going on.

Why do the songs on the Sony Cleaning Disc work?

Thanks for your help.,

Greg joplin :sad:

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I'm sorry mate, but I believe your beloved unit is dead. The 702 was infamous for its UTOC error, that plagued early sharps through the MT831 generation.

However, in your case, I do not believe you have the UTOC error. I believe your optical pickup assembly is failing. When my N1 was dying because of a failing optical pickup assembly, I tried disc cleaners and isopropyl. Disc cleaner discs would play fine, but normal discs wouldn't. I have no explanation for this either.

There is nothing you can do about your unit, unless you truly want to get the unit repaired, which would cost more than the price of a used one on eBay, moreover the price of a new, modern unit alone.

Sorry if this isn't the information you wanted to hear :sad:.

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Aw, I share the bad feelings with you. =(

I was on vacation in Japan and picked up an MS702 as well. (despite my japanese dj friend consistantly plugging a kenwood. ANY kenwood)

It died a sad and common UTOC error

As tbdoah recommends, it might be worth to just find another player/recorder. I replaced mine with an SR60 (Sharp) from minidisco and haven't had a problem with it so far despite it being Sharp.

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