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How a Sharp SR60 was brought back to life.

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A few years ago, I got bit by the digital music bug, but instead of

buying an MP3 player, I went ahead and got an SR60 after reading the good reviews it got. :smile:

Problem is that lately the poor unit began to lose focus and could not read the disc. :wacky:

So I gave up all hope and bought another on Ebay. This one turned to have the headphone jack busted, and the seller is ignoring me, so bleh, big deal I can fix it later. :whatever: (In fact I found a makeshift solution to make it work.)

I go to a pawn shop, and find a black NetMD player at a good price. I buy it to replace the second player, which was a replacement of the first one. But just a few hours later, I find about the wonders of LP2, OMG, restrictions here and there, and basically no SP. Thanks $ony (Fortunately, the program crashes my computer, so I have an excuse to return it :grin: ). Then I find myself with some spare money, and eye a beautiful silver player on Evilbay. I win it for a great price, and am happy as a.. a... a whatever it is that you say to illustrate how happy you are. :happy:

I come to the equipment browser at this site to check the specs of the unit I bought. And somehow ended up in the page listing my old SR60. And find the link for service mode. And then the first thing I read, is about the auto alignment for Sharp units. So I go and pull out the player from the

drawer I had stuffed it in, and try the steps listed there... I had nothing to lose, but a busted player...

And it works. I'm listening to Yoko Kanno's "Real Folk Blues" (10K points if you can tell me where that's from.) as I type this. No skips. No problems. Tomorrow, it's the trial by fire for the player, as I'll be listening to it while commuting.

Thank God for this site. Now my only problem is what to do with the MZ R37 that has a bad headphone jack, and the MZ E35 I won. :laugh:

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