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Convert Formats

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mad.gif I'm trying to convert the omg files to wav files to edit it. I recorded my music in a Md and transfer it to the PC with Sonicstage. I tried to recorded a CD but I can´t because I haven't Rights to do it. Somebody knows how to convert this format to wav. Thanks.
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Impossible. You can capture it as a wave form but i'm not sure how to do that. It'll be in real time anyway.

Hi MD really does suck. You can upload your recordings and burn them onto an ATRAC3 CD.. Yay. What a pity. I'd return it and invest in a good MD deck such as a JB940. Recording digitally from the deck's optical output to the soundcards optical input (assuming you have a card with one of those) would be quicker and less inconvenient.

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I guess there will be hundrets of angry customers mad.gif when they find out that all the hype about musicians and note taking students able to record and then upload those recordings to PC via USB.

It is partly true but without the actual functionality where we could use those uploaded recordings I'd rather say: It is deliberate misleading and it means that there will be a lot of Hi-MDs returned back to vendors.

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yeh i agree...false marketing in a way on Sony's part...you can u/l but u can't burn... :sad: kinda sux having companies stick to their own proprietary format and not licencing other vendors to allow them to convert to and from other file types...

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