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MZ-N707 Doesn't Record

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Hi, My MZ-N707 will not record. It gives me an endless "TOC" message and makes sounds that I have never heard out of it or my MZ-N510 before. I have to pop the battery out to use it again and everything I recorded is lost. I have tried using the MIC IN and LINE IN jacks to no avail. Recording through USB is also unavailable. Is my recording head broken or is this something that can be fixed relatively cheap?

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well uhh yeah the ribon cable connecting your magnetic head to ur unit's main board is broken...and uhh.. i don't yet know of a cheap way of fixing it :grin: ...

i know this because you said that the information is lost right.. ok

now sometimes when the lens is off balanced due to some shock the unit may subdue or many such shocks the lens might be set off and so it might be a lil off the point with the magnetic head causing your unit to stick in the TOC edit instead of actually saving the information to the disc . now when that happens you could try tilting the unit or shaking it or something to help the lens or else the lens is going to keep reading and reading and reading trying to find a focal point direct with the magnetic head.. :smile: that's the reason for all those mechanical sounds you've been hearing.

my advice: you can purchase a cheap unit from Ebay and discect it taking what part you need as long as you got a suadering gun and you know what you're about your good to gone..

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Mine doesn't record either, morover, when I tried to add tracks it has deleted all the others showing: BLANKDISK. This is not a behaviour expected from such an expensive device. My warranty is over a year too. I am teribly dissapointed by Sony and never will buy a Sony product again.

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damn son i feel your pain well i'm sorry this had to happen to you so early and your taking it soo serious especially as you must have worked hard for your money. but overall sony make good quality products but just in the fields where they specialize (if i must say that) like their cd players are made with a lot more dedication and a wide range of other products like their televisions, cameras, head phones, speakers, lo fi sterios and the list goes on and on but i agree they lack in the md area.. so you could give them a try in those other fields.

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  • 9 months later...

Hi, this is my first post.

This happened to me as well.

I'm no longer on warrenty so i figured it best to just open the precious md up.

Turns out that the recording head had been bent, (probably by a minidisc being inserted) and no longer functions like it used to.

(I was reading many different forums to try and get an answer and apparently this specific model has a problem with the recording head being damaged easily)

I have an old broken MZ-N505 that has a similar recording head, but I just don't have the time to de solder everything.

Purchased a NH 800 instead of going through all that trouble.

I hope it helps

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