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another new guy with questions

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I've been researching like mad these minidisc players and have a few questions (that I hope aren't answered elsewhere). One of my friends told me that you might be able to use a mic using the optical input and an adaptor. is this true? Also I was seriously considering these new hi-mds, but there has been a lot of negative feedback about them. am I best off just to get a regular minidisc? I will be using this to record for school (broadcasting) as well as stuff for my band and occasional listening to music at the gym. I just want to be able to edit and burn onto a cd with no real hassle. is the hi-md worth it then?


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I never heard of using the mic in the optical input. However, if you want to record stuff and edit them at a later time, regular minidisc is not an option. Sony's software supplement to be released in fall this year will make the Hi-MD recorders to upload songs to a computer (that has sonistage 2.0) in .wav format, thus no restrictions on analog recording. But you may also want to look at the Iriver products since I've heard that you can record and upload music without any software.

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Welcome, both of you.

Mic in the optical input can work, in a different sort of way:


[there's a bunch of other threads like these in the Live Recording forum. To echo Gigahurtz, it'll be worth it in the fall. I think it's worth it now to be honest, since you CAN upload, but only this way:

You have to play back the recording through the computer via Sonicstage [a Hi-MD unit can play back audio through the USB port without having to upload] and then capture that audio stream via a program like CoolEdit or another that can facilitate such. Search around, there's more on this.

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