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Recording and uploading

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You cannot upload audio data from a NetMD unit to a PC I'm afraid. Nor is there any other way of transferring digitally from your N510. The only way is N510:Line out -> PC:Line in, a somewhat messy and inelegant solution not to mention analogue.

This silly limitation (due to Sony internal politics) is what Hi-MD is supposed to address but that's proving a disappointment to many also.

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Yes, Connect Line-In of the Soundcard with Headphone out of the MD-Recorder.

Then record realtime with a suitable Program - CoolEdit/Audacity etc...

Upload is NOT possible with a NetMD.

The checkin has only one purpose: Resetting the download-counter of the DRM-System.

If you want upload via USB, you need a Hi-MD recorder.

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Eek! Why are you still using Sonicstage 1.5? Didn't you notice that thread at the top of this forum asking if you do use it to read it first? Please read this:


[gives you a download link to Sonicstage 2, which has no check in/out limits amongst other things]

Jadeclaw and RichM are still on the money though, that's the only way you can upload with this unit. There are a few threads covering this in the Live Recording forum, as well.

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