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conversion problems

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hey, just received my MZNH1, lovely machine, in my opinion, better than the evil spawn of apple.

having a few problems with the conversion though,

decided to record a performance in HI-SP mode, then transfer to my computer via Total Recorder,

the problem is that when i record, it goes fine for a while, then the two bars that indicate the sound levels just hit the max and stays there for the rest of the track.

on play back of the file, it gets massive static

i've tried lowering the record volume to the recommended -2dB, and have even gone as far as -12dB, but nothing seems to solve the problem, any ideas?

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It's TotalRecorder's fault. As shown on their website faq, if registration isn't done properly or if its shareware, recording will screw up after 64 seconds or 40.

Try a previous version instead, like 4.4. get it from http://technet.idnes.cz/detailstahuj.html?cislo=300658 (not the publisher's website). Don't attempt to get from the publisher's website as it will bump all attempts to download previous versions to download 4.5 (latest) instead.

Or recording can be split up into lots of less than 64 seconds and joined together later. This way will be very fiddly and requires a lot of quick flipping between Sonicstage and TotalRecorder to get things to line up right. Usually not worth the effort as the other way mentioned above are quicker and easier.

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