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Uploading/Downloading to a mac?

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You've got at least a triple whammy.

First, NetMD's do not upload. Period. Anyone who tells you they can (as some of Xitel's hype seems to) only means you can record through their device in real time, which you can already do with your iMic.

Second, SonicStage, Sony's quick download program, is for Windows only. It is possible it will run with VirtualPC on your Mac but you'd just have to try it. Search these forums for Sonicstage and Mac for more info.

The only way you can "upload" to your Mac would be to record in real time from headphone-out on the MZ-N707 to line-in of your iMic and then to a sound-recording program. If you don't have one, the free Audacity is available for OSX.


WinNetMD, which is useful for partially automating that realtime recording--you can pick certain tracks to record, and each track records as a separate file--is also for Windows only.

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Is there any way to d/l music to my minidisc (MZ-N707) from my mac? I know of the windows programs, but I hate VPC & need a mac program! Can anyone help? Please?

the Truth... is NO any other way. but you can

1. wrote a letter to the head of Sony Software engineering dept. (enclose with few hundred thousand dollars) and beg them to write a mac version of sonicstage specifically just for you.


2. wrote a letter to the head of Mac software engineering dept. (enclose with few hundred thousand dollars) and beg them to wrote a patch on Itunes and ITMS so that it will play/accept/transcode/encode to Atrac/Atrac3+ file format. so that you can download music to your MD.


3. Quit whining, just get a PC and be done with it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a Sony MZ-N707 minidisc player w/ griffin imic on a mac G4 running OSX 10.2.8. I was wondering if any software was available for easy u/l & d/l of music? Any & all help is appreciated. thanks

Kein McGinnis - kevinmc@planet-save.com

Black Fly,

quit tryin to launch the space shuttle, its a mini disc, we will all have to wait till they come up with newer and better versions and all electronics do. :grin:

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Why are we still talking about this?

All he needs is Garage band and his iMic! Record the headphone out of your n707 (or line-out funtion if you hacked it) from the Line-in of your iMic with Garageband which is very cheap/free from apple. This would be uploading.

Unless anyone is suggesting a Mac compatible program that is better than Garageband (which I know there is, but I can't think of it) this discussion is over. The user does not need tips on how to get music from his Mac to his n707.

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