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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/12/2018 in all areas

  1. I think what sfbp says is true. The PCLK allows MD titling, control, and editing functions from your PC—not upload. Here's a decent description of what it does:https://www.hifix.co.uk/sony-pclkmn20-usb-pc-link-kit Doing a real-time transfer from PC to MXD-D40, that's somewhat simpler. You'll need either a sound card with optical out OR a device that converts USB to optical (like this one [DG2]...there are others): http://www.dansdata.com/xitel.htm Note too, that getting digitally recorded files off an MD and into a computer has always been a pain, unless you're using Hi-MD. It's not clear to me how the UC222 would be used to route a digital signal from the D40 to a PC....but I suppose it could be possible, given the necessary H/W I/O. My own situation is that I go from MD > CD-RW > iTunes. This is time-consuming but works well for me. FWIW, I have an MXD-D40 & an MXD-D400. The latter has optical out.
    1 point
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