Just thought I'll report it here, if you're trying to create an account without a connection with an already existing account like Google or alike, it's simply impossible to do so, because of incorrectly loaded reCaptcha.
To make this account I had to rewrite the part of the site responsible for the captcha.
If anyone else is experiencing the same difficulties, here are the steps I used to create my account:
Go to https://forums.sonyinsider.com/register/
In devtools, open the `head` tag and remove all the scripts that mention recaptcha
Add a new script, with `src="https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js"`
Execute the following JavaScript code:
const captcha = document.querySelector("[data-ipscaptcha]");
const parent = captcha.parentElement;
const newCaptcha = document.createElement("div");
grecaptcha.ready(() => grecaptcha.render(newCaptcha, {sitekey: "6LdgERMTAAAAAC4kTmm7BH1laShX3teATAV_6FIY"}));
After that, you should be able to click on the captcha and create your account by executing the following JS code (the submit button is broken):