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  1. sorry guys... I should have come back here sooner. the guys sold it to someone else... meh my loss. out of money at the moment. Ill be back into it later. Think Im gonna just save save save till I have enough for hi md. Ill come back then. thanks for all the help thus far guys.
  2. I am considering purchasing a MZ-NE410 as I found it really cheap from a friend of a friend and the unit works perfectly. He is selling it to me for 25 bucks with tons of minidiscs and a bunch of accessories like an arm band and several cases for minidiscs. should I go for it? will the latest sonic stage work with this player? thanks. ewwww wait...... I just found out that it has not line in..... crap...... no way...
  3. what are head ribbons? why would this cause recordings to be lost? nh700 or 800 are netmd? original md? what is the biggest difference between netmd and the originals? would hi md recorders ever have head ribbon issues as well?
  4. ok so if I have say mic with a decent wire length and the minidisc maybe in a sidebag or something I might be ok? and yeah net md is my only option since decent hi md recorders start at like 200 - 300 which I do not have. I figure if I can spend around 100 bucks on mic and then 50 on net md I could have a decent set up or am I being naive? also what net md player would you guys recommend? I remember the one I stole from sam goodie was a sort of yellowish green tint. I wish I never sold that thing. should have just hid it till I ended up moving out.
  5. hmm the noise issue makes me uncomfortable. well I really want a minidisc player if not for just the fact that I never got to have one when I was young. I dont see myself using it much for listening to music unfortunately... they are much to heavy for that kind of use. I think I will just try to find the cheapest deal possible and just get a hold of a netmd. if anything it should satisfy my desire for a minidisc recorder. as far as field recording I am looking into flash based ones. I dont have much money now but it might be enough to for my minidisc lust lol
  6. those are beautiful shridurga.
  7. cant fidn any hi md recorders for under 100 bucks.. think I might go down the net md route...
  8. if I have a hi md recorder will it be able to use the tons of MDs I have around? ir are they worthless now? how does hi md transfer to the pc? is there any lossless or raw option? or am I gonna be forced to use some silly format?
  9. EDIT: lol forgot to mention my QUESTION: what would be my best option for buying a md player on the cheap? do I necessarily need a hi md recorder? would a net md recorder fit my needs? I have tons of minidiscs and none of them are hi mds.... it has been forever since I have visited this forum. figured it would be down honestly. anyways Im getting into field recording and pretty much know nothing about it. I know there are plenty of other ways to record that must be easier but I have a nostalgia for minidisc. When minidiscs were the big thing I could never afford to own one. In fact once I stole one but sold it (really cheap too) quickly because my mother was wondering where the heck I got something like that. anyways... I do not really see myself using it to listen to music but for field recording it might make a little more sense. Im interested in making samples for playing music. anyways thanks for any help. I dont know if there are people that still come here but thought it would be worth a shot. thanks.
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