Hi..you think you're not nerdy enuf 2 understand all the tecnical jargon..well, i'm the ultimate ...it all sounds like Swahili 2 me..but i'm hoping that will change...i've just put money down on an RH1, and can't wait to start playing with it! Can someone please tell me what all the different music file types/play/record modes are? Eg, WAV, PCM LP, SP, Hi-SP (?), ATRAC, ATRAC3 etc...etc.... From what i can gather, pcm is highest uncompressed quality?..but really, i'm in the dark! Totally i the dark..only vague concepts (eg, Atrac is compressed?)...but don't even know the difference between what these thigs refer to, ie which ones are a file type, which ones are a recording mode.... Thanks, i'm sure one of u wonderful MD nerds can explain it 2 me!\ Cheers!