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About proudofmylife

  • Birthday 02/04/1986

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  • Location
    Fargo, North Dakota


  • Minidisc units
  • Microphone Equipment

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  1. I wasn't quite sure if someone had already posted it or not, but I'm assuming there's another thread for this. Thanks for letting me know, just trying to help.
  2. Hey guys, I'm not sure if anyone is still having trouble with this issue but I created a quick video tutorial on installing the driver that works with Windows 7 64-bit. The NETMD760.inf file was updated with Azureal's updated file listed in the second page of this topic. Also just wanted to note that my version of Sonic Stage was just the normal version you get from esupport.sony.com, not the Ultimate modified version featured on minidisc.org or these forums. Hope it somewhat helps.
  3. Good evening board, I've been an avid minidisc enthusiast for the past few years and last night after getting home from work and having the urge to see if some solution has surfaced about this sonicstage 64-bit windows 7 nonsense and much to my surprise it's finally here! Absolutely no idea how stoked I am, first shot I gave it, everything worked flawlessly. No more VMWare and Windows XP transfers. THANK YOU!
  4. Hey guys, selling my deck from my truck. Bought a MDX-CA790X off of ebay a few weeks ago for my new car. Just thought i'd let you know if any of you are looking for a deck. Click the image to see more in a gallery or just click here. Here's the link to ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...T#ht_896wt_1165 Thanks
  5. Thanks for the suggestions. I did try installing Avrin's Ultimate but that didn't do anything, I've jumped to the conclusion it's just a driver issue. I read a few places that SonicStage isn't compatible with Windows Vista 64-bit. So since both my computers are now 64-bit, I searched around and found a great solution. I came across VMWare Viritual Workstation. It allowed me to partition 10gb of my drive and install Windows XP Professional on it so I can run XP and Vista at the same time. Installed SonicStage and the drivers on the XP drive and it works perfectly. Don't mind doing this since it's pretty easy to use. Here's a picture:
  6. Thanks for the advice guys. It appears to be a issue with 64-bit. I tried manually installing the .inf driver file through device manager and it says it's not compatible with 64-bit based systems. Is there any way around this whatsoever? Or am I screwed? Has anybody had success with sonicstage reading your discs on 64-bit. Thanks
  7. Hello, still considered a noob to the forums. I'm having issues with Vista and these drivers. I downloaded SonicStage according to my operating system (Windows Vista Premium). Installed it, the first time I plugged in my MZ-RH1 it had no problems and was able to transfer music. A few days later now when I connect my mz-rh1 it asks me to install the driver. So I thought that was odd, so unplugged it and I downloaded the driver itself and installed it. Restarted and plugged it back in and it still gives me this Locate and install driver crap. Has anyone had any similar issues and if so what can i do?
  8. Well I decided to format and fixed the bluescreen problem. Anyways, I'm about to pull my hair out, I can not find the SonicStage CP 4.3 US version ANYWHERE. Where are they hiding this?
  9. It's the only portable md recorder I have, sold the rest because this just owns them all.
  10. I'm pretty sure minidiscs are no longer being manufactured. Every minidisc I've ever boughten has been off eBay, tons of ebay stores still have brand new sealed minidiscs.
  11. Hello, new to the forums, not exactly sure if this is the right spot to post my issue. My Sony MDX-CA680X car deck has worked flawlessly up until today, the unit still loads, ejects, and plays discs perfectly. The only problem is that none of the buttons on the faceplate work, the display still works perfectly, I just can't change the source, change the volume, or anything regarding the controls. I hit reset but that didn't fix the issue. It was working fine and in a split second the controls just stopped working. I was wondering if anyone has had similar issues and if so how do I fix it? I was thinking about changing the Fuse to see if that fixes anything but I'm not sure. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks. EDIT: I fixed it, the rewind button was stuck so it wouldn't let me use any other buttons. I was wondering why it would start rewinding when i put in a disc. It's pretty neat being a douchebag.
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