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Esphynol Jmd

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  • Minidisc units
    MDs:MZ-M100,E930,RH710,MZ-NF520,N420D,N910,N710,S1,N707,N505, JVC MX-S7WMD Victor Bookshelf.

Esphynol Jmd's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Burn-in process completed. Enjoy.

  2. Is seeking for a new headphones amp.

  3. Faizal Ramli "Golden Elbow" ngeri.

  4. Plan nak bawak anak-anak pergi Singapore Christmas ni, anak-anak pegi tengok lampu,papa nak ke Zouk.

  5. lepak ngan bebudak forum malam ni. TT session.

  6. Dear sifu, I just bought a headphone amplifier from JD Labs. I am wondering if iPod user they bypass the internal amp using LOD. How about MD player/ recorder? If any thread had discuss about this, kindly add the URL. Thanks
  7. Built-in sampling rate converter automatically converts digital audio recorded at different sampling rates, such as the 48kHz data stream from a DAT recorder, to the 16-bit/44.1kHz CD standard when transferring data to disc. During CD-to-CD dubbing, the sampling rate converter is automatically bypassed for highest possible sound quality. Cant wait to hear CD- MD
  8. Hai PhillipeC, Is there any device out there can override the initial problem? p/s: sorry for the delayed respond you in pm.
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