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Everything posted by funkateer

  1. Guess I'm expanding to more than two questions... As stated above, I've tried hooking up my Rh10 via usb to a Macbook Pro...it shows as a drive and will charge the battery. Tried a usb external power brick designed for macs...no go. Just bought a Powerbag from Woot for $40...mostly loving it because it has a built in battery and cables for iphone/ipad, mini-usb and micro usb. Separate usb slot for other gadgets. Perfect for my daily use because I travel w iphone, ipad, micro usb powered wifi gadget. Was really hoping the mini usb plug would power a md unit. Tried RH1 and RH10....no display on RH1, the RH10 showed it was connected but showed no sign of charging. Has anyone had any luck using a portable/external usb power source to charge any md units, and if so, details?
  2. Wow, haven't seen Strange Days since it came out. Didn't Ralph Fiennes download peoples memories onto md? And if so, why didn't Sony add that feature to hi-md?
  3. Thanks, I may try the larger plastic rack. Though I'm jonesing for the wooden ones...I have 2 racks that hold 200 each and 4 that hold about 50 each. They stack and look great w other audio stuff...
  4. I guess this will be as fruitful as asking about an OSX-minidisc interface, but: is anyone at all making MD racks anymore? I have way more mds than rack space, and I rarely see old ones on ebay. When I do, it's usually the old crappy flimsy plastic ones. My favorite ones are quality wooden ones...can't find those anywhere anymore. You'd think maybe someone with craft skills would try making some on Etsy...but I can't find any. Another thing that seems to be gone for good: md player cases. I always use these when taking a portable on the road. The best were the old leather/velcro Minidisco ones, custom sized to a range of players. Never see those on ebay. Lately I've been taking out the RH10 for walks etc., but without a case, so I can easily use the OLED display...but the flip side is I get a bit edgy about drops and scratches. I was thinking it would be awesome to get a case for RH10 that had a plastic window to allow a view of the front display. So...did anyone ever make one like this?
  5. If you look at gadget sites and the comment sections, this has to be the most online attention md has gotten in years.
  6. The flimsiest ones I've ever used are "Luxir"...the metal slides have broken on a few for me, while I've never had problems with any other make.
  7. I've been struggling with iffy gumsticks too...mostly Sonys, one Sharp, a couple of new "powerstream" batteries. They're all weak, even the new ones. I tried most of the tricks mentioned here, except freezing them. Of the old batteries, it seems the Sharp is the best...with wall charging, my NH900 seems to do the best. Though I've noticed with my equipment, I appear to get the best charge by connecting my RH10 via USB to a Mac. Obviously no data transfer is possible there, but it charges and charges and charges. Sure wish there was a reliable source of new gumsticks and or the Sony lith batteries. Oddly, even though the RH10 charges from a USB on a Mac, it will not charge when plugged into my portable USB battery. Even though the battery was low, the display only showed a full battery icon. I disconnected immediately...
  8. I'll try some at lp2 and see how they sound. Just wondering if I was using a higher bit rate than the source provides, therefore maybe not gaining any advantage w sound. As for the blanks, I do have a lot of regular mds, but since there aren't any more being made, and it appears they're gettig harder and more expensive to obtain, I guess a miserly instinct kicks in...
  9. I'm one of the old school md fans, getting back into it now after a lengthy but unsatisfying detour to mp3s. I'm moving and I've essentially rediscovered mds...I have a ton of blanks and a ridiculous amont of gear (might be posting soon in classifieds about that). Anyway, I'm now trying out something I haven't done in a while: recording some concerts from Wolfgangs Vault. (I'm a paid member, these are concerts I can download, but on a MacBook Pro I don't think I have any mp3-md options.) I'm doing it in real time, optical out to optical in on a MZ-NH900, in Hi-SP mode. What I'm wondering is: is it space wasting overkill to go Hi-Sp on this kind of recording? I don't know how compressed WG audio is from live browser streaming, and I'm wondering if it might be more effective use of disk space to do lp2 or even lp4 to record this. Any opinions would be appreciated...
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