I can answer your questions one by one, if you'd like:
1. I don't know if my installation has defaulted to 32-bit, you're right, I am running a 64-bit machine. I was typing this up late last night, and neglected to mention that, sorry.
2. I have the drivers from this link. Like I said, I'm using an MZ-N505, and those drivers are supposed to be compatible with that specific model.
3. I have a fresh AA installed, mostly because I use my MD player on the daily.
4. I have only connected with a disk in the unit, with the intention of writing to that disk immediately after connecting to my PC.
This post is actually about this last part: it doesn't show up, period. Not as an unknown device, nothing with a yellow exclamation point. Just doesn't show up. This might be an issue with my version of Windows being 64-bit? I'm not sure, I only recently was actually able to get a version of SonicStage working at all, so I'm not terribly experienced.
Finally, yes, I am using a "real" version of Windows. It's the only OS on my hard disk, Windows 10. I've seen several people around the web claim that Windows 10 can and will connect to NetMD players, but so far I've absolutely no luck.
Thanks for responding!