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  • Sony Products I Own
    KD-65X9005A 65" 4K TV, STR-DN1040 AV Amplifier, HDR-TD10 3D Camcorder, FMP-X1 4K Media Player, Playstation 1/2/3/4/PSP/Vita, KDL-60SX600 60" Rear Projection TV

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  1. Thank you for replying but sadly its not what I'm looking for. I'm only after a MZ-RH1.
  2. Hello, Do you still have the player?
  3. Hello, I'm desperately looking for a set of Sony speakers (model: SS-LA500ED) for use with my home theatre. I'm mainly looking for a 5.1 set but I'll be happy with singles. Hopefully theres someone here who has a set which they no longer require. Many thanks :-)
  4. Hello, I'm new here to the forum and I'm looking for a Sony MZ-RH1 MiniDisc player. Many thanks
  5. Hello, is the RH1 still available? If so, could you upload some pictures? Thank you :-)
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